Bibliography Menu
General topics: Discussions & reflections on research activism | Activist research outside the academy | Community & civic engagement | "Scholar activism"
Activist methods (discussed or applied): Archival activism | Art activism (➦ Art institution critique | Art workshhopping | Participatory creative arts) | Civil disobedience | Crowdsourced activism | Curriculum (re)design | Data activism | Feminist activism | Hacktivism | Marching | Music activism | Nonviolence | Performance activism | Situationism | Storytelling | Tactical media | Writing (including non-traditional forms) (➦ Activist fiction ➦ Anonymous writing ➦ Code switching (linguistic) ➦ Collective writing)
Research methods (discussed or applied): Action research | Case studies | Crowdsourced research | Digital methods | Discourse analysis | Empirical research | Fieldwork | Interviewing | Militant research | Participatory research (➦ Participant obserer research) | Qualitative research | Quantitative research | Research ethics (➦ Informed consent ➦ Institutional review boards [IRB]) | Social media analysis | Surveys
Theoretical methods (discussed or applied): Affect studies | Contact zone theory | Critical Race Theory | Critical institutionalism (➦ Art institution critique | Critical university studies) [see also Institution studies] | Disability studies | Feminist studies & theory | Interdisciplinarity | Intersectionality theory | Marxist theory | Performance theory | Postcolonial theory | Queer studies & theory | Science Technology Studies (STS)
General topics: Capitalism | Development (and Alternative development) | Diversity | Globalization | Neoliberalism (➦ Corporatization of the university) | Social justice
Note: The above are some topics that research activists tend to discuss as general concepts related to causes. But these general topics do not cover all specific causes and issues actually addressed (for which see below).
Specific causes & issues: Ageism | AI Bias | AIDS | Antiracism (see also Racism) | Antiwar | Apartheid | Caste antidiscrimination | Censorship | Childcare | Class discrimination | Decolonization | Digital justice | Disability rights | Drugs | Education reform (➦ In HigherEd) | Economic Inequality | Environment (➦ Biodiversity ➦ Climate change ➦ Environmental justice) | Feminist activism | Food justice (➦ Food sovereignty | Slow food) | Freedom of speech | Gender equality (➦ Reproductive labor [See also Womens rights]) | Health care reform (➦ Health advocacy) | Heteronormativity (➦ Toxic masculinity) | Housing & zoning issues (➦ Gentrification ➦ Houselessness (including homelessness) ➦ Housing reform ➦ Skidrow) | Human rights | Indigenous rights | Information access | Infrastructure | Labor activism (➦ Adjunct instructors | Anti-work | Care work | Domestic work | Feminized labor | Reproductive labor | Sex work | Unionization) | Land politics | Language activism (➦ Linguistic discrimination | Linguistic diversity) | Legal system (➦ Criminal justice system ➦ Police reform ➦ Prison abolition) | Medical system reform | Mental health | Microaggressions | Population movement (➦ Forced displacement ★ Migration ➦ Immigration ★ Immigration activism ★ Undocumented residents rights) | Prison change (➦ Prison abolition ➦ Prison reform) | Racism (see also Antiracism) | Reproductive justice (➦ Abortion | Reproductive labor) | Right-wing activism | Surveillance | Trade treaties | Water justice | Women's rights (➦ Feminicide ➦ Violence against women)
Movements: ACT UP |
Agrarian movements | Black Freedom Movement | Black Lives Matter | Civil Rights Movement | Countercultures (➦ Avant-garde | Mid 20th-Century counterculture | 1960s-1970s counterculture) | MeToo movement | Occupy movement | Take Back the Night
Actions (types of): Campaigns | Community engagement | Marches | Protests | Riots | Self defense | Social media actions | Student activism | Volunteerism
Events: Baltimore Uprising (2015) | COVID-19 | Ferguson| LA riots (➦ 1965 | 1992) | Vietnam War (➦ Vietnam War protests)
Initiatives: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives
General topics: [TBD]
Citizenship, residency, migrant groups: Citizens | Immigrants | Migrants | Refugees | Undocumented residents
Economic groups: [TBD]
Professional & Occupational groups: (See also in this menu under "In Disciplines & Professions" > "Professions") Knowledge workers | Professionals | Veterans
Racial, ethnic & indigenous groups: Asian people (➦ Asian Americans ➦ Pacific Islanders) | BIPOC people | Black people (➦ Afircan Americans ➦ Black British) | Caribbean people | Caste groups | Indigenous people (➦ Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples ➦ Maori ➦ Native Americans) | Latinx people (➦ Chicanx) | White people | [TBD]
Religious groups: [TBD]
Issues in HigherEd Research Activism: Academic freedom | Freedom of expression | Civic engagement | Scholar activism | Faculty activism | Student activism | Mentoring | Targeting & harassing of scholars
➧ Issues related to: Academic hiring and promotion (➦ Tenure) | Research & publication (➦ Citation practices) ➦ Peer reviewing practices) | Impact assessment (➦ Measurement & evaluation of activist research ➦ REF Research Excellence Framework)
➧ Issues related to: Teaching & Curricula (see also Curriculum (re)design) | Academic "service"
➧ Issues related to: HigherEd budgets | Public universities (➦ Land-grant universities) | Professional schools | Programs
HigherEd Personnel & Research/Activism:
➧ Administration
➧ Faculty (➦ Adjunct ➦ BIPOC [★ Black ★ Latinx] ➦ LGBTQ ➦ Women ➦ Tenure-line ➦ Tenured)
➧ Students (➦ BIPOC students ➦ Graduate students ➦ Undergraduate Students)
➧ Staff (non-instructional) | Campus police
➧ Administration
➧ Faculty (➦ Adjunct ➦ BIPOC [★ Black ★ Latinx] ➦ LGBTQ ➦ Women ➦ Tenure-line ➦ Tenured)
➧ Students (➦ BIPOC students ➦ Graduate students ➦ Undergraduate Students)
➧ Staff (non-instructional) | Campus police
HigherEd Policies Related to Research/Activism:
➧ Policies related to politics: Academic freedom | Freedom of expression on campus | Protest & activism actions | Political campaigns on campus | Disciplinary actions
➧ Personnel policies: Hiring, promotion & tenure | Documenting scholar-activism | Personnel case diversity statements
➧ Campus resources supporting activism
➧ Discussions & critiques of higher education policies above
➧ Policies related to politics: Academic freedom | Freedom of expression on campus | Protest & activism actions | Political campaigns on campus | Disciplinary actions
➧ Personnel policies: Hiring, promotion & tenure | Documenting scholar-activism | Personnel case diversity statements
➧ Campus resources supporting activism
➧ Discussions & critiques of higher education policies above
Issues in LowerEd Research Activism: Discipline | Preservice teaching | Teaching | Curriculum (re)design
LowerEd Personnel & Research/Activism: Administration | Students
Centers & Institutes | Coalitions | Collectives | Communities (➦ Community organizations) | Corporations | Foundations | Grassroots | Initiatives | NGOs & non-profits (➦ Disabled people's organizations ➦ Social movement organizations (SMOs)) | Police | Professional Associations | Projects | Publishers
Governments (general): Governmental activism
Governments (national, state, local)
➧ U.K. Government(s): [TBD]
➧ U.S. Government(s): [TBD]
➧ U.K. Government(s): [TBD]
General topics: [TBD]
Arts (Creative & Performing Arts): Architecture | Art (➦ Digital arts ➦ Street art ➦ Textile art) | Music (➦ Ethnomusicology) | Performance studies | Theater
Humanities: Art history | Composition & Rhetoric (& Writing Studies) | Digital humanities | History (➦ History of activism) ➦ Public history | Literary studies (➦ English literary studies) | Film studies | Media studies | New Media studies (including Internet & social media studies) | Philosophy | Public humanities (➦ Public history (see also Organic intellectuals | Public intellectuals) | Religious studies | Science Technology Studies (STS)
Social Sciences: Anthropology & ethnography | Communication | Geography (➦ Human geography) | Global & international studies | Institution studies | Political science | Psychology (➦ Social psychology) | Sociology
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM): AI (artificial intelligence) | Computer science | Data science | Engineering (➦ In Silicon Valley) | Environmental sciences
Agriculture: Agrarian studies | Agro-ecological studies
Interdisciplinary Fields: Africana studies | Asian American studies | Black studies | Borderlands studies | Feminist studies & theory | Food studies | Indigenous studies | Race & ethnic studies
Professions: Architecture | Education studies | Journalism | Law (➦ Legal studies) | Library & archive studies | Social work | Urban studies & planning
"None, or All of the Above": Organic intellectuals | Public intellectuals
Borders [TBD] |
Seas: [TBD]
Continents & Geographical/Geopolitical Regions (see also Global Zones above): Africa | Americas (➦ Caribbean ➦ Central America ➦ North America ➦ South America) | Asia (➦ Eastern Asia ➦ Middle East (Western Asia) ➦ South Asia ➦ Southeastern Asia) | Australasia | Europe (➦ European Union ➦ Northern Europe ➦ Western Europe)
Nations (and their states, districts, provinces, etc.): ( see also International (& Transnational) ) | Argentina | Australia | Austria | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | Chile | China | France | Germany | India | Iraq | Israel | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Malaysia | Mexico | Nepal | Netherlands | New Zealand | Philippines | Russia | South Africa | South Korea | New Zealand | Sweden | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States (➦ Florida ➦ Michigan ➦ New Jersey ➦ [New York) | Venezuela | Vietnam
Cities (and city regions): Baltimore | Buenos Aires | Chicago | Detroit | Ferguson (Missouri) | Flint (Michigan) | Hong Kong | London | Los Angeles | Manchester | New York City (➦ Bronx) | Philadelphia | Silicon Valley
General topics: [TBD]
Articles (➦ in Journals ➦ in Magazines ➦ in Newspapers) |
Artworks (➦ Art installations) | Bibliographies | Blogs | Blog posts | Books (➦ Chapters) | Catalogs | Conferences | Conference proceedings | Datasets | Data stories | Encyclopedias | Exhibits | Fiction (work of) (➦ Novels) | Films | Infographics | Interviews | Journals (➦ Journal articles ➦ Journal issues) | Lectures | Maps | Newspaper articles | Obituaries | Opinion pieces | Pamphlets | Photography | Poetry (work of) | Policy statements | Radio broadcasts | Reports & Whitepapers | Social media (➦ Hashtags) | Syllabi | Theses (➦ Dissertations ➦ Master's theses ➦ Undergraduate theses) | Websites (➦ Website pages) | Zines
Advanced Search (on Zotero site)
Explanation: The content of the Research + Activism Bibliography is kept as a group library in the Zotero bibliography manager, and then pulled into this WordPress site through the ZotPress plug-in. Showing the bibliography on our WordPress site allows us to organize and narrate tagged categories to create what amounts to a conceptual map. But search capabilities are simpler. More advanced searching is available through direct online access to our Zotero bibliogaphy (but Zotero's own interface does not allow us to organize and narrate our tags).
For more advanced and granular search by author, title, year, and tag (with abstracts available), use the online interface of the Zotero group library holding our content. Click on "Go to Zotero"
by Date by Author
Johnston, Krista, and Christiana MacDougall. “Enacting Feminist Methodologies in Research Toward Reproductive Justice.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20 (2021): 1–10. Cite
Ballamingie, Patricia, and Charles Levkoe. “Wayne Roberts: Food Systems Thinker, Public Intellectual, ‘Actionist.’” Canadian Food Studies / La Revue Canadienne Des Études Sur l’alimentation 8, no. 3 (2021). Cite
Murdoch, Danielle J., and Michaela M. McGuire. “Decolonizing Criminology: Exploring Criminal Justice Decision-Making through Strategic Use of Indigenous Literature and Scholarship.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 2021, 1–22. Cite
Schormans, Ann Fudge, Heather Allan, Donavon O’Neil Allen, Christine Austin, Kareem Elbard, Kevin John Head, Tyler Henderson, et al. “Research as Activism?: Perspectives of People Labelled/with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Engaged in Inclusive Research and Knowledge Co-Production.” In The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism, 1st ed., 354–68. Routledge, 2020. Cite
Eaton, Emily M., and Nick A. Day. “Petro-Pedagogy: Fossil Fuel Interests and the Obstruction of Climate Justice in Public Education.” Environmental Education Research 26, no. 4 (2020): 457–73. Cite
Jeppesen, Sandra. “Research Ethics: Critical Reflections on Horizontal Media Activism Research Practices.” In Media Activist Research Ethics, 27–50. Springer, 2020. Cite
Bartmes, Natalie, and Shailesh Shukla. “Re-Envisioning Land-Based Pedagogies as a Transformative Third Space: Perspectives from University Academics, Students, and Indigenous Knowledge Holders from Manitoba, Canada.” Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education 14, no. 3 (2020): 146–61. Cite
Peach, Laura, Chantelle AM Richmond, and Candace Brunette-Debassige. “‘You Can’t Just Take a Piece of Land from the University and Build a Garden on It’: Exploring Indigenizing Space and Place in a Settler Canadian University Context.” Geoforum 114 (2020): 117–27. Cite
Young, Jason C. “Rural Digital Geographies and New Landscapes of Social Resilience.” Journal of Rural Studies 70 (2019): 66–74. Cite
Linder, Chris, Stephen John Quaye, Alex C. Lange, Ricky Ericka Roberts, Marvette C. Lacy, and Wilson Kwamogi Okello. “‘A Student Should Have the Privilege of Just Being a Student’: Student Activism as Labor.” The Review of Higher Education 42, no. 5 (2019): 37–62. Cite
Mashford-Pringle, Angela, and Suzanne L. Stewart. “Akiikaa (It Is the Land): Exploring Land-Based Experiences with University Students in Ontario.” Global Health Promotion 26, no. 3_suppl (2019): 64–72. Cite
Gahman, Levi, and Gabrielle Legault. “Disrupting the Settler Colonial University: Decolonial Praxis and Place-Based Education in the Okanagan Valley (British Columbia).” Capitalism Nature Socialism 30, no. 1 (2019): 50–69. Cite
Nguyen, Xuan Thuy, Deborah Stienstra, Marnina Gonick, Huyen Do, and Nhung Huynh. “Unsettling Research versus Activism: How Might Critical Disability Studies Disrupt Traditional Research Boundaries?” Disability & Society 34, no. 7–8 (2019): 1042–61. Cite
McCracken, Krista. “Archives as Activism.” Active History (blog), 2017. Cite
Cariou, Warren, and Isabelle St-Amand. “Introduction Environmental Ethics through Changing Landscapes: Indigenous Activism and Literary Arts.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 44, no. 1 (2017): 7–24. Cite
Abele, Frances, and Chris Southcott. Care, Cooperation and Activism in Canada’s Northern Social Economy. University of Alberta, 2016. Cite
Burman, Jenny. “Multicultural Feeling, Feminist Rage, Indigenous Refusal.” Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 16, no. 4 (2016): 361–72. Cite
Greenhill, Pauline, and Alison Marshall. “Racism and Denial of Racism: Dealing with the Academy and the Field.” The Journal of American Folklore 129, no. 512 (2016): 203–24. Cite
Johnson, Shelly. “Indigenizing Higher Education and the Calls to Action: Awakening to Personal, Political, and Academic Responsibilities.” Canadian Social Work Review 33, no. 1 (2016): 133–39. Cite
Shayne, Julie, ed. Taking Risks: Feminist Activism and Research in the Americas. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014. Cite
McLean, Heather. “Digging into the Creative City: A Feminist Critique.” Antipode 46, no. 3 (2014): 669–90. Cite
Tilley, Susan A., and Leanne Taylor. “Complicating Notions of ‘Scholar-Activist’ in a Global Context: A Discussion Paper.” Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education 18, no. 2 (2014): 53–62. Cite
Guard, Julie, D’Arcy Martin, Laurie McGauley, Mercedes Steedman, and Jorge Garcia-Orgales. “Art as Activism: Empowering Workers and Reviving Unions through Popular Theater.” Labor Studies Journal 37, no. 2 (2012): 163–82. Cite
Hiller, Harry H., and Linda Diluzio. “The Interviewee and the Research Interview: Analysing a Neglected Dimension in Research*.” Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie 41, no. 1 (2004): 1–26. Cite
Nguyen, Xuan Thuy, Marnina Gonick, Claudia Mitchell, and Deborah Stienstra. “Transforming Disability Knowledge, Research, and Activism (TDKRA).” Carleton University, n. d. Cite